The History of Soap
We all know that soap is for cleaning ourselves with but, where does it come from and what are the origins of soap?
Well soap supposedly got its name from Mount Sapo in Rome. The word sapo, Latin for soap, first appeared in Pliny the Elder's Historia Naturalis.
So where was the first soap bar made?
Interestingly the first soap was made by the Babylonians around 2800 B.C. The early references to soap making were for the use of soap in the textile and medicinally industry.
Through the ages soap has been used to wash wool in the textile industry, to cure skin sores and diseases, to dye hair, and as a salve or skin ointment, but today it is generally used as a cleanser to clean ourselves with and has been modified and improved over time.

Is Antibacterial Soap Really Safer Than Products without Antibacterial in Them
Do you think those products will lower your risk of getting sick, spreading germs or being infected?
Well antibacterial soaps have been heavily promoted to the conscious minds of the public. To date, there is no evidence that using recommended antiseptics or disinfectants for antibiotic-resistant organisms.
However, antibacterial soaps contain common antibacterial agents such as triclosan, which has an extensive list of resistant strains of organisms. So, even if an antibiotic resistant strain isn’t selected for an antibacterial soap, it may not be as effective as they are marketed to be.
So, to conclude the benefits of using an antibacterial hand soap haven’t been proven, so therefore many manufacturers who sell antibacterial soap haven’t shown that ingredients like triclosan are any more effective than plain soap and water in preventing illnesses and the spread of certain infections.
What about Lye, Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide are they Safe?
Lye, sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide may be harmful or fatal if swallowed and can burn the skin if it comes in contact with it but, when any of these products are used to make soap they create a chemical reaction and create a new chemical compound and therefore, is no longer the former substance and if made correctly it isn’t an ingredient in soap.
You can’t make real soap without these ingredients and none of these ingredients are in real soap. That’s the magic of sciences for you.
Real Soap
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